What is our SME Data Mining?
In any business there are data that must be kept. Such data is used
- To control business operation
- In business planning
- As evidence in Legislative compliance eg Tax Audit, Labour Law, etc
- As evidence in case of business disputes
Storage of these data using physical files as hard copy alone or using Excel as soft copy is not the correct way, retrieval issues and duplication of data being stored are obvious reasons for finding the right solution.
The correct & effective way is Data Mining based on DataBase & Queries.
For small enterprise we are not looking at sophiscated techniques such as AI data analysis for modeling. We only encourage small business to look at their data from the correct prospective.
Why we refer our service as Data Mining & not Accounting Service? By this redirection we hope you can appreciate
- Data Mining with its broader concept enhance management of data; the correct way to go
- Management Accounting focus forms a powerful management tool, (not just doing it for tax filing)
- Excel is best used as interface between our off-site support and the client (most workers haves some experience in Excel)
Our Forte
is in Management & is in 4
What is our scope of work in this Data Mining?
- Determine the data structure to avoid duplication of same data & to avoid petty data.
- Design constrained data entry forms
- Create multi user environment for high productivity
- Established Reference # in the database that link up to the actual filed documents
- Design reports based on SQL ueries to serve various level of management & their management needs
- Ensure Data is secured or Data Safe from system failures and human errors.
The Great Advantage when info is kept in a Optimized & Integrated DataBase (not just one Ac program)!
For those you who are Excel experts, do note manually processing result in
- Time wasted thus high costs & low efficiency
- Human Errors such as mix up of numbers, missing data, plain human slips are common
With Data Processing using Validation, Programming & Data Queries advantages are obvious .. the right way to start & go
What is the best combination of resources ( to
) to have a Lean & Efficient Management conducive for life time Data Mining & Data Safe. Data Mining & its secured storage is ensured as we are the developer of the App with full knowledge of the database being used to face all eventualities.
This combination will ensure you have minimum staff with minimal staff turnover impact and full management control to ensure enterpise continuity with high productivity.
read our unique Accounting Service which forms a part of comprehensive support.
Contact us if you need any advice or help.
Human Resources (High Productivity)
- Self Motivated, Self Regulated & Self Accountability Organisation that Manage by Objectives.
- Staff are IT savvy to manage Internet transactions.
- IT savvy to use free Cloud Storage to i) increase Data Safety & ii) effect communication between On / Off site.
- Staff have tools, able to identify IT issues and fix them on their own; First Aid SOP; no special dedicated IT personnel.

- Apps that are customized and integrated to meet all Legislative & Management requirements.
- Apps that are constantly updated to meet changing environment.
- Apps help to speed up work of Staff, just do Total Checks after pressing "Go" button
- All work in SOP are App based; not "uncontrolled" Excel.

Frame Work in Support
- Auto backup of Data in all the Apps; Data Safe and more important Restorable.
- IT Frame Base is established to support the co-ordination of HR, Apps & equipment.
- Data Manipulation such as Transfer from App to Office, Filtering, Sorting

Permanet Off-Site Admin.Ac Manager to supervise (experienced Retirees)
- No more headace of staff turnover
- Duplication of work that ensure DataSafe & Error Prevention

SOP for Best Practice in Management & Accounting
- Built in the App
- Supervised by Off-Site experienced support
- Structured for Hands-On training of inexperienced staff
- Full use of Cloud storage & Remote access

On Line F1 Help & Support
- Extensive Help within Apps (First Aid) to prompt staff from time to time.
- Management best practice can be found in Help

Recapitulate: Management Key Concept (aware App limitations)
- Minimum human typing; drop-down selection as main input with validation
++ developing Fast / Easy Data Flow [Support ~ Client (source of transact details 来龙去脉)] Interface - App programmed for all processing to all outputs (zero human work)
1. meet statutory needs & 2. manage & control operation fast & easy - High quality Support (retirees) + supervision to ensure efficiency with duplication of data
- Data security / Filing setup for tracking
For a Kindergarten, a tailored made database system will keep infinite years of pupils & collection records. A database is is far superior to using Excel, the reasons are obvious if you know why database is the dominant way.
From the database, management will use high productivity data entry forms and have unlimited management reports based on the database SQL query. The images in this section will give you an idea what can be done.

Our Kinter DBase system works together with
- our Accounting System &
- our Payroll system
to form a Combi Package with the Retiree Support Center.
Following are advantages of this Combi Package
- Admin job & Accounting job is supervised & duplicated at the Retiree Support Center.
- The duplication at Support Center ensures accuracy, continuity, standardization and security.
- The training of the Head in Accounts, Payroll & Reporting is done via the duplication of the record at Support Center.
- The Head with full involvement in Admin & Accounts will have true sense accoutability.
- It also minimize the number of staff as the Head can manage these jobs comfortably with the support.
A slide show of Kinder reports & forms; click any image to show display control buttons.
Below are some more developed integrated Apps. Contact us if you want to have your own custom made App.
PayRoll App (Free)
- Auto scheduled deductions like EPF, SOCSO, Insurance, PCB
- Full Life-time record of Salaries in the company
- Extensive Help to help Staff to know about deadline & legal constraints.

PayRoll App Sleepy Input Form & Auto reports ensure no hard work: click any image to display control buttons for slide.
For few RM per employee-month all payroll work from A to Z is accurately & quickly done by the App (little work at Site) ++ a Permanent & Duplicate Record for Audit. Work include:
Develop a Fast / Easy Data Flow [Support ~ Client (source of transact details 来龙去脉)] Interface
Produce monthly Journal of the necessary Accurals to Statutory bodies & employees
List monthly dues to employee & statutory bodies eg PDB, etc
Printing payslips & vouchers as evidence of payment
Yearly Printing LHDN EA forms for Employees
Annual LHDN e~filing of Employer Returns i) e-E ii) CP8D
Depreciation & Capital Allowance Ac# Add-On
This Add-On is great boon (instant!, no reentry to Excel) for doing the year end chores: Depreciation & CA
- The Fixed Assets Costs & Depreciation is neatly instantly synchronised with the Account's Gen Ledger. Thus Fixed Asset Register is already completed with details from the GL entries.
- The Depreciation Rates for each Type (see Chart of Acs Headings) are recorded in this Add-On
- Depreciation of each year is auto calculated as Year-Type as a group & not individually thus minimizing entries. The depreciation for new purchases are calculated as a portion of a whole year.
- The Depreciation can be printed out as a supporting document for the actual Journal entries at Year End in the Accounts
- Sales or Write Off of Fixed Assets are also provided for in the Add-On.
- Capital Allowance rates & its Calculation is part of this Add-On

Wages Apps for Contractors
Some typical reasons why this App was created for a Client
- Life Long Record for site workers monthly Days Work or Piece Work. Workers details are but drop-down for selection thus reducing typing mistakes.
- For this case, wages is calculated on Hours work. Thus by entering Time In & Out for each drop-down date of the month, App will do the rest.
- Customized Reports were built to help Site Supervisors to check totals.

Cafe Point of Sales
- Wireless and Intuitive.
- Full & Easy integration with Account App

Project Costing App for Developer or Contractors
- This is a special form of Account App that allow business to control costs & profitability of their projects