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On Line Commerce

On Line Commerce

Hit#  1196

you130     Shop / Store ?     good /  bad



On first chat contact ▬►customer feeling
Afterchat2  fingerRight      talkrubbish   stupid1  idiot2


you13        Blemish Image            crookteeth           poof0

1. Cheap, Low Quality Product .. short life     2. Poor Post Service ($$ > penjual hilang) 



What can we do together to build right Image to attract customer?
1. Refund within 7 ~ 14 days?crossout,  2. Chat?crossout & 3. Review?crossout has limitations getting sales

You have chosen the most viable business model 'On Line Commerce' to start your business good .. but

  • the profit margin can be small 
  • competition is high. 

** Product must fit customers needs else a bad Image that kill your biz.

We help you to stand out as a Winner win with Sales Repeat & High Volume





  • Our business attitude is to build a longer term relationship with customers by going into their shoes.  
  • Unlike casual seller we constantly upgrade our knowledge of our product so that customer feels secure in dealing with us.
  • We also monitor your needs from your first contact with us so that we can truly serve your needs.  We take this mission to meet your needs very seriously & WILL deliver.






  • No DIY background to support sales
  • No Technical or Scientific background to support sales
  • Zero / Poor knowledge of Product to support sales
  • No awareness of Product Quality Control properties
  • Poor Analytical Reasoning to address customers concerns. 
  • Misleading Picture or Video, Misleading Size  .. so small   realy tiny lol

What can we do together to build right Image to attract customer?


Build up the following Product Profiles for customers to understand your product.

Build them from a DIY, technical & analytical perspectives

1. What customers' needs does your product satsify or is your product effective in doing its intented job?

  • If it is a electronic sound device eg a sound box, the sound is of High Fidelity so you can hear each bass note clearly without being boxy because our sound box is the larger version; hence no sub woofer is necessary.  If you want strong low bass sound as in action movie you may need to buy one with a sub woofer.
    With a good hifi sound box, you can listen clearly the timber of every note from a musical instruments especially at the soft passage eg from Tchaisky Symphony No 6
  • If the tool is a grass cutter, it is not meant for heavy duty.  Use an AC powered four wheel grass cutter for heavy work. 
    Our tool is however great for edge trimming and shrub clearing.
  • If you product is an edible item such as milk powder or jam, explain the source of the product and how it is of good quaility. 
    Even though expiry is important a note about your business policy is sufficient as the expiry date is on the product itself. Your product policy on this can be you like customer to be able to enjoy a good product if customer keeps product at the right temperate for a reasonable time before consuming it.
    You may also state your product weight policy which is to ensure that net weight is slightly in excess of the labelled weight.

2. Which part of our product need replacement from wear & tear or does it last?

  • In our sound box the battery can last many years.  You can also remove it from inside and replace the rechargeable battery.
  • Our battery for glass cutter will last for years.  If the after recharge the power drops too fast, you can buy a replacement from us which are priced very reasonbly.  Our policy is to let you have a practical and usable product with long life.

3. Do you have variations of this product eg heavier duty version?

Product variation can come with higher price.
The variation can be due to

  • Allowance to return beyond a longer the first free return of 7 days
  • Heavier structure that is meant to last longer
  • Branded vs unbranded

4. Do you have meaningful Product Review

A review report takes some time of usage before meaningful report can report on i) suitability of product to needs ii) life of product  iii) problems encounted in it 'suse. 

  • For electrical related products, we can review i)  battery life before replacement is required & its costs  ii) charging cycle issue eg time of each charge, indication of charging cycle ending
  • For mechanical related products, we can reviews issues of i) over heating ii) parts breakdown or excessive wear.

Scope of our Service to help your marketing

  • Consultation to jointly build up your product profile from 3 angles i) DIY  ii) techical & iii) analytically.
  • Give Accreditation report of your product in our high visitors volume web page that link to your store.
  • Manage your customers chat to give valid & meaningful content


eBizPortal uphold motto to associate only with genuine products? 

Don't be an accomplice to dishonest sellers

  1. Make seller declare
    • source of their product ie its manufacter
    • promotional material agree with their product
  1. Seller do recognise that Portal has absolute right to take appropriate action if seller violate these declaratiions
  2. Portal will do a necessary due deligence on sellers' declarations before allowing them into their portal


lnkicon Email Us   

Call or WhatsApp our numbers above

Our service is based on a win-win / common prosperity concept so it will not cost much.  Contact us to get acquainted first. 
We recognise it is very difficulty to make money in any business so we thus endeavor to keep your cost low. 
You will be happy with our full range of multi disciplined services suited for any small biz.



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02 January 2023


Biz Environment

Bosses' Worries

  • Cash Flow, AP/AR Aging, CBT
  • SST/GST Accounting & Returns
  • Salary/Daily Workers Accounts
  • Tax Estimation CP204/500
  • Operation/Project: Gross Profit%
  • Staffing / HR Turnover Problems
  • Legal Deadline, Comply & Fines
  • Government Audit (Tax/GST/SST)
  • Operation Control (HR/Reports)
  • Future of your Business . SWOT

Visitors . Builder

Sep 2020: This is exactly 3 years since this website is first launched.  We rebuild this to reflect our new experiences, knowledge and outlook. As always, let us know if there are mistakes.

We have 80 guests and no members online

FreeLancer ck FuzMic

Credits: Joomla, JShaper, Google, ARI, FaceBk, C Keiflin, M. Richey, ChronoEng, JTune, L.Hunyadi, JA. Luque, P Westen, R.Demmer, P Vavro, V Markov, Ratmil, Perfect Web, P.Kivimak, Todor, E Ananyan,  Pham & others