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Free Training to get Certification of your ability 

As a fresh school leaver or person now working in a company, here is a route to get Hands-On Training handonto become a Senior Accounts Executive.  Following is an outline of how you be trained

  1. Using the link below, download the two Accounting Apps and instal it. Also download the StudentData Excel, fill it up and email to us
  2. We will then assign a Tutor to you.  Tutor will help if you get stuck in whatever. You can use TeamViewer to let Tutor look at your PC if you get stuck with IT matters
  3. Your Tutor will send you in stages assignments to help you up the learning curve. The first assignment will be "Get Started" to get the Account App ready to do actual Hands-On accounting work.
  4. The Help within the App will guide you to do each assigment because assignment will refer to the relevant Help sections.
  5. On the completion of each assignment, your work will be checked when you send the database of the App to your Tutor.
  6. On the completion of a set of assignments, a comprehensive certificate will be issued to you to help you to get a better job.  From the certificate your potential employer can see what Hands-On experience you have. 


      ssmalAc Get Started




Why our certification will land you a good job?

  • The certification is based on your extensive Hands-On experience which are essentially working experience using a full featured GST/SST Accounts pack
  • Certification is not just a paper title but a practical explaination what you can do to help your employer
  • Your experience also allow you to bring your own accounting app which is what we offer.
  • Your experience centered on Management to help a company to be highly productive with minimum human resources supported by integrated IT system.





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16 August 2020



Bosses' Worries

  • Cash Flow, AP/AR Aging, CBT
  • SST/GST Accounting & Returns
  • Salary/Daily Workers Accounts
  • Tax Estimation CP204/500
  • Operation/Project: Gross Profit%
  • Staffing / HR Turnover Problems
  • Legal Deadline, Comply & Fines
  • Government Audit (Tax/GST/SST)
  • Operation Control (HR/Reports)
  • Future of your Business . SWOT

Visitors . Builder

Sep 2020: This is exactly 3 years since this website is first launched.  We rebuild this to reflect our new experiences, knowledge and outlook. As always, let us know if there are mistakes.

We have 73 guests and no members online

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Credits: Joomla, JShaper, Google, ARI, FaceBk, C Keiflin, M. Richey, ChronoEng, JTune, L.Hunyadi, JA. Luque, P Westen, R.Demmer, P Vavro, V Markov, Ratmil, Perfect Web, P.Kivimak, Todor, E Ananyan,  Pham & others