Hit# 2507
Auditor & Ac Firm: our ►high governance Ac Way lead direct to
Auditor Report
What is happening in Secretarial Service after 2018 SSM On Line filing of Returns
(no more over the counter)
Why filling up Excel file of MBRS Prep Tool Difficult?
A Walk Through: Starting MBRS Prep Tool
(based on MPERS Malaysian Private Entities Reporting Standard) FRS Financial Reporting Standard is for Public companies
If you select Annual Return, the process for it is the same ie i) Filing Info & ii) Click Generate Templete button.
Selecting Private company will be MPERS, Public company will be MFS.
A Look at MPERS Excel file (content is huge thus full of worksheets)
You can editing the Filing Scope using the following Doc Actions
The following images gives you an idea of how many fields to be filled, no easy job.
Final Step in the Excel File: Generate the zip file to upload to SSM
When all fields are filled using Auditors Report, you can press the "Generate XBRL"
If you are lucky, the .zip file containing .xml will be created; if not, an error message will be shown.
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Mission of our comprehensive MBRS App
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Sep 2020: This is exactly 3 years since this website is first launched. We rebuild this to reflect our new experiences, knowledge and outlook. As always, let us know if there are mistakes.
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