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Where are we?

We are a virtual non "Mortar & Brick" Service Unit operating out of Ipoh, Malaysia.  Thus we use Ipoh Railway Station, Point 0, for people who wants to know about our beloved home town. 
Of course, you can contact us by email, WhatsApp or call our mobile, then move on from there.


As a tribute to Ipoh city of Malaysia, me a resident for over 70 years created this Heritage sites map of Ipoh Old Town section. With the added 23 nostalgic historical names eg Concubine Lane, we hope that the map can enrich your knowledge about our beloved Ipoh, Guiling of Malaysia.   guiling

Ipoh offers many interesting Places of Interest for Walking Tour catwalk

A word of Thanks to google Map for making this community sharing possible.  Write up of each heritage site is availiable from Kinta Heritage Group Sdn Bhd.   15th Apr '14


Bosses' Worries

  • Cash Flow, AP/AR Aging, CBT
  • SST/GST Accounting & Returns
  • Salary/Daily Workers Accounts
  • Tax Estimation CP204/500
  • Operation/Project: Gross Profit%
  • Staffing / HR Turnover Problems
  • Legal Deadline, Comply & Fines
  • Government Audit (Tax/GST/SST)
  • Operation Control (HR/Reports)
  • Future of your Business . SWOT

Visitors . Builder

Sep 2020: This is exactly 3 years since this website is first launched.  We rebuild this to reflect our new experiences, knowledge and outlook. As always, let us know if there are mistakes.

We have 67 guests and no members online

FreeLancer ck FuzMic

Credits: Joomla, JShaper, Google, ARI, FaceBk, C Keiflin, M. Richey, ChronoEng, JTune, L.Hunyadi, JA. Luque, P Westen, R.Demmer, P Vavro, V Markov, Ratmil, Perfect Web, P.Kivimak, Todor, E Ananyan,  Pham & others